ADA Compliance Websites

Because ADA Compliance is the Law


How improving page speed by less than a second could double your online sales.

ADA Compliance

There is a 98% chance your current website is NOT ADA compliant and here is why it matters...

W3C Validation

There is a 97% chance your current website is NOT W3C valid and here is why it matters...

Struggling with ADA Compliance?

By following best practices for ADA compliance, you make website experiences accessible.

Django Website Security

Django provides a password hashing system that is secure by default, using the PBKDF2 algorithm with a SHA256 hash, automatically salting passwords to prevent rainbow table attacks, and supporting password strength validators.
Django Security

ADA Compliance Code

The ADA Standards for Accessible Designs say what is required for a building or facility to be physically accessible to people with disabilities. Accessibility standards issued under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) apply to places of public accommodation, commercial facilities, and websites.
ADA Compliance Code

ADA Compliance Reviews

You can usually reach compliance by following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Current WCAG version is 2.2. Companies can choose from plenty of free ADA compliance checker tools, like WAVE and Lighthouse, which look at your site's color contrast, text size, image alt text, and more.
ADA Website Reviews

ADA Compliance Website Questions Answered!

More ADA Compliance
Get a custom designed, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly, built-in SEO, W3C Valid, ADA complaint website!