Attorneys: Our Shield Against Tyranny?

Throughout history, tyrants have known, to crush a nation, they must first destroy, corrupt, jail or kill the attorney. 

Because the attorney is the front line defender of rights, justice, and truth!

When rights are attacked, and freedoms fall, democracy crumbles, and now giant corporations and unelected parties play the part of the tyrant as they turn silencing the attorney into an art. 

Because it is the lawyers job to vigorously and unselfishly fight to protect the rights of victims, abused consumers, and the poor in our society, painfully protecting us case-by-case.

It was Patrick Henry, a lawyer, who made the battle cry when he said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” There were twenty-five lawyers among the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence. We would not have the freedoms we have today if it were not for the lawyer.

Thirteen of the US first sixteen Presidents from Washington to Lincoln were lawyers.

Shakespeare said, “if tyranny is to prevail, tyrants must first kill all the lawyers.”

However today private businesses make billions from mass incarceration, from providing food and healthcare, to jailing the innocent…billions of dollars are made. 

The United States is home to the largest number of prisoners worldwide. Roughly 1.8 million people were incarcerated in the U.S. at the end of 2023. In China, the estimated prison population totaled 1.69 million people that same year.

While in the same year the US only had about 334 million people compared to China's 1.409 billion or India’s 1.428 billion with less than half a million people in jail.

The United States is unparalleled historically and ranks among the highest worldwide in its dependence on incarceration. Over five million people in total are under supervision by the criminal legal system. About 95% of felony convictions in the United States are obtained by guilty pleas (and at least as many misdemeanor convictions), but only 15% claim to be guilty. 

Innocent people enter guilty pleas sometimes because of stress, mental exhaustion, promises of lenient sentences or even difficulty understanding their rights!

We live in a world where we have to get permission to create a product or service from people who produce nothing. As we watch money flow NOT in favor of the creator but in the one who gives the favor!

A world where men get rich in illegal and unfair ways and the laws protect them against us instead of us against them. We live in a world that rewards corruption and persecutes honesty and if the attorneys won’t stand for what’s right maybe AI can be programmed to do it. 

But it won’t come from the same evil tyrants that seek to jail and control us. 

If nothing changes then society is doomed!