How Bad Code Could Cost Your Business!

The Web Design Industry as a Whole is a MESS!

The only thing worse than not having a website is having a website that is poorly coded, full of coding errors, isn’t ADA compliant, well designed, or thought out.

However an unfortunate trend has emerged within the web design industry, where instead of focusing on producing high-quality code, it’s become about how quickly you can complete the project.

This has led to a decline in the overall coding standards and a dependency on mass-produced frameworks.

The desire to appeal to as many people as possible has led to mundane, plain, ordinary designs, where everyone looks the same, stifling creativity and innovation. These frameworks offer a range of ready-made templates and components, making it easier and faster to build websites...however, this convenience comes with an unforeseen cost.

Most frameworks come bundled with a significant amount of code, for features that most users will never need or use.

This excess code can affect website performance, leading to slower loading times and cost the business owner money. Moreover, relying heavily on frameworks limits the ability to tailor websites to specific needs.

And most of these frameworks are full of bad code, aren’t ADA compliant and can get you sued and fined. 

Designers often find themselves constrained by the limitations of these frameworks, unable to push the boundaries of creativity or implement unique features. This can result in websites that look and feel similar, lacking individuality and failing to make a lasting impression on visitors.

Another consequence of this trend is the devaluation of the web design profession.

With the emphasis on quick turnarounds, clients may prioritize finding the cheapest and fastest solution over the best quality work.

This puts talented web designers at a disadvantage, as their expertise and attention to detail may be overlooked in favor of a quick and inexpensive alternative.

Because of this every industry is flooded with subpar designs that aren’t ADA compliant and can lead to fines and lawsuits. 

Custom code goes far beyond just unique, memorable, websites that truly stand out. 

Clients get more than just a faster, well-crafted website that can yield higher profits through better user engagement, brand recognition, and overall business success.

The focus on mass appeal and the reliance on generic frameworks have led to a decline in creativity, uniqueness, and overall standards.

But when you start writing your own code not only does this open up an unlimited array of ideas as far as the design goes. It is crucial for the industry as a whole to recognize the value of thoughtful, custom design and to prioritize quality over speed. Only by doing so can we elevate web design to its full potential, creating online experiences that captivate and inspire users while driving business growth.

And not having an ADA compliant website could get you fined and sued over and over again until you fix the problem. 

Creating a good web experience means fixing the code, validating it, and making it ADA compliant!