Text Alternatives: Making Everything Understandable

Imagine you're looking at a picture in a book, but instead of seeing the picture, you only hear someone describe it. That's what "text alternatives" are like on a website. It's a way of explaining things that aren't words, like pictures or buttons, so everyone can understand them, even if they can't see them.

What Does This Mean?

  • Words for Pictures: If there's a picture, there should be a description in words. This helps people who can't see the picture understand what it's about.
  • Words for Buttons: If there's a button or icon, it should have a label that tells what happens when you click it.
  • Words for Sounds: If there's sound, like music or talking, there should be a way to read what is being said or played.

Simple Code Example

Let's say you have a picture of an apple on your website. You can add a text alternative so that people who can't see the picture know it's an apple. Here's how you can do that with code:

<img src="dog.jpg" alt="A cute brown dog playing in the park">

In this example, the alt="A red apple" is the text alternative that explains the picture.

Why Is This Important?

When you provide text alternatives, you're making sure that everyone can understand what’s on the website, even if they can't see or hear it. This helps people who use different ways to read or listen, like large print, braille (a special writing system for people who are blind), or speech software that reads the text out loud. It makes the web more friendly and usable for everyone!