Hair Salon Services

Alpha Membership Plan

$1,500.00 ONE TIME Setup Fee

broken into 4 payments

$399.00 USD per month

Naymar creates the highest-quality custom designed websites … W3C valid, ADA compliant, gets 100% on Google Lighthouse and loads in under a second.

Every web page is tailored to the end goal of the salon but designed to add a flow and a voice to the salon. Built from scratch by experienced web developers and designers, who use front-end and back-end technology to create sites that are high converting and hassle-free to manage.

Alpha Membership Plan

Custom Back & Front End
Monthly Software Updates
Managed Web Hosting
Website Security
Uptime Monitoring
Quick & Reliable Support
SSL Certificate
Website Backups
Custom Website Design
Fully Responsive Design
HTTPs Secure Site
#1 Page Speed Platform
Lightning Results Page
Instant Site Search
Meta Titles
Meta Description
Migas de pan
Cloud hosted website
Canonical Tags
301 Redirects for Top Pages on previous website
Website Hosting
ADA and WCAG Compliance
W3C Valid Code
Standard SEO
Technical support
Integration support
Customizable pages
Free SSL Certificate
Built-in Content Management tools
About Us Page
Maps/Hours Page
Contact Us Page
Premium URL Structure
Adaptive mobile and tablet design
Easy to use CMS
Custom Blog or News
Photo Gallery
Services and store opening hours
Free-Text Search
Custom landing pages
Editable in-page SEO management - page titles, Meta description and URLs
301 Redirects for The Top Pages on Previous Websites
Content migration
Specific favicons
Click & Collect with PayPal Integration
Personalized content modules on the homepage
Google Analytics
Booking email app